I designed and put up this new antenna a few weeks ago. The 80/40m vertical came crashing down in some high wind and all the ground radials needed to be rolled up for spring anyway. I have always wanted to have a decent vertical antenna for 30m so this provided an opportunity to do that while still having a decent 40m radiator as well. Since it was not much more difficult to add another band, 20m was built into it as well. Take a look at the video to see the construction details.
It performs just as any other ground plane. The assembly hangs from a 60' tree branch and the feed point is about 20' off the ground. So far I have worked half way around the world with it on 30m.
It has been quite a while since my last post about the cw key. I have been putting it to use since then and about 2/3 of my DX contacts are now on CW. I do not have the guts to ragchew on CW as of yet though. Fast paced pileups and contest is where I mostly use that mode for now.
73, AB8XX
May 26, 2009
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